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How Can I Tell if My Home Is Well-Insulated?

December 4, 2023
0 minute read
home insulation in arlington, tx

Typically, the best sign a home is well-insulated is if you never think about it. Well-placed insulation can provide consistent indoor temperatures throughout the year, ensuring you never have to worry about drastic fluctuations in temperature and costly energy bills.


Signs Your Home Is Poorly Insulated


If you’re noticing drafts or uneven temperatures in different rooms, with some being consistently colder or warmer than others, it could be a sign that there’s not enough insulation in those areas. Another indicator is condensation on the windows. Moisture collecting on the inside of your windows can be a sign that your current insulation isn’t strong enough to keep the warm air inside, allowing it to escape and creating condensation when it meets cold surfaces.


High energy bills during the hottest and coldest parts of the year are also a common symptom of inadequate insulation. A surge in energy usage can indicate that your home can’t hold onto the heat or cooled air your hardworking HVAC unit is circulating due to poorly installed weatherstripping or old insulation.


How Do I Determine How Much Insulation My Home Needs?


Inspect your walls, floors and especially your attic to identify gaps or insufficient insulation. The attic plays a pivotal role in your home's insulation. Since both cold and warm air rises, the attic is often your home’s first line of defense. A well-insulated attic prevents warm air from escaping through the roof during the winter and cold air during the summer, so you and your family are comfortable indoors all year long without having to spend a fortune maintaining a consistent temperature.


Effectively insulating your attic can significantly impact the overall energy efficiency of your home, reducing the workload on your HVAC system so it doesn’t fail prematurely.


Steps to Insulate Your Attic and How a Professional Can Help


Hiring a professional is often the best way to guarantee your insulation project is done right. At Tom’s Mechanical Inc., our professionals have the expertise and experience to assess your home's unique needs, recommend the appropriate insulation materials and install them correctly. We’ll not only maximize your home’s energy efficiency but also save you time and the potential headaches of handling the installation process alone.


The Attic Insulation Process


1. Measuring and Cutting Insulation Material: Our experts will measure the dimensions of the spaces between your attic joists or rafters, ensuring a snug but not overly compressed fit to maximize your insulation’s effectiveness. We’ll also help you select the appropriate insulation material based on your needs and budget, including fiberglass batts or rolls, cellulose, spray foam or rigid foam boards.


2. Sealing Air Gaps: Before adding new insulation, we’ll identify and seal any air leaks around the vents, pipes, chimneys and lighting fixtures so the warm or cool air your HVAC system circulates stays in your home.


3. Installing Batts or Rolls: For fiberglass batts or rolls, we’ll lay them between the attic joists to provide a continuous layer without gaps or compression, cutting the insulation to fit around obstacles like electrical wiring.


4. Adding Additional Layers: If your existing insulation is insufficient, our team will add new layers of the same material perpendicular to the existing ones to cover potential gaps and improve its overall effectiveness.


5. Installing Loose-Fill Insulation (if applicable): For loose-fill insulation like cellulose or fiberglass, we’ll use a blower machine to distribute the material throughout the attic evenly and guarantee optimal performance.


Attic Insulation Has Never Been Simpler for Arlington Residents


Our OptiHome contractors will thoroughly inspect every nook and cranny of your attic space and address any problems we find promptly. If you’re experiencing drastic indoor temperature changes, we’re here to provide solutions.


A detail-oriented home efficiency expert from Tom’s Mechanical, Inc. will work hard and fast to ensure you and your family are always comfortable even in the worst of Texas weather.


Call (817) 277-4493 or complete our online contact form to schedule a free attic inspection today.




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